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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

INTERNPRIZE - Creative InternPrize

Global programme: ERASMUS +
Specific programme: Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices
Call: 2016
Duration: 24 Months (1/9/2016 - 31/8/2018)
Project Manager: Rabia Vezne
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Maria Amata Garito
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Alessandro Caforio
Website: http://creative.internprize.eu

Web-based Didactics

Click here to access the Web-based Didactics where you will find the modules realized in the framework of the "Creative InternPrize".
The curricula and programs of the modules are publicly available. In order to access the digitized videolessons and the educational materials already published in the Web-based Didactics of the project you will be requested to enter your credentials (username and password).

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Creative InternPrize is a partnership working in education and training who have come together to implement a concept based on project oriented apprenticeships and internships in the creative industries.

The project generates opportunities for start up in careers in the creative industries for students in VET through work based learning apprenticeship experience within the school environment. Such project work is generated by the school in partnership with local industry and players in culture, media, social work, youth and other fields and in this way it places students in contact with the labour market.

The project work will be supported by the use of a virtual digital platform that the partners will create so that it may become a common working place and cooperation between students under the instruction and mentorship of teachers and the local industry that benefits from the work of the students. The platform will be available online so that students can work from home, in their own time, alone or together with others instilling in them a sense of responsibility, cooperation, autonomy and a sense of enterprise.

Teachers and students will work in a start up environment during pilot activities in the participating schools and then after the end of the project lifetime when schools adopt InternPrize practice for themselves.


InternPrize does not only create relationships between school and enterprise. It brings enterprise into the school.

The idea of InternPrize started after they observed that a number of students in VET tend to be at risk of early school drop out or at risk of difficult integration into the labour market because of a number of factors. These include :

- aptitude towards creativity and lack of aptitude for formal education,

- interests of students that do not necessarily belong to the subjects in their formal VET but that have given them competences that can be exploited in creative industries and

- ambitions in areas like marketing, culture and events management that do not necessarily guarantee jobs in employment.

InternPrize gives more relevance to VET in the labour market. It is specifically designed on realities in the school, in the lives and minds of students and the realities of the creative industry. It also brings relevance to subjects or skills that students might have started to develop outside their own curriculum in school out of sheer interest or practical experience in their extra curricular activities. This could be design, photography, web design, cultural events, video making or events organisation.

By giving relevance to interests and aptitudes, learning patterns and personality of the students It makes VET education three dimensional and more relevant because it helps students start up a life project and career whether it will be in employment or not. It gives them the tools that will last them for life like responsibility, cooperation, commitment and initiative. InternPrize will bring into the school the merit of skills and aptitude and not only the results of formal assessment on knowledge based learning in VET.

InternPrize has in its programme the use of digital tools including web based collaboration between the partners, elearning on startup using a virtual classroom and the creation of a digital virtual work space or work bench that will support project work. In this space partners will become more confident in the use of digital tools and will be trained on using the work space they will share with students in their InternPrize experience.


The objectives of this project at school education level are:

- starting a new practice in the dynamics required to establish relationships between school education and industry,

- make the creative industries part of the equation when it comes to career development of students,

- give to the student a competitive spirit by showing them that competences and skills bring about opportunity and that self taught extra curricular skills are valuable when acquired and when shared and

- to generate opportunities for those students who are more oriented towards the practical and less to didactic formal education and therefore possibly labeled as having learning difficulties.

The objectives of this project at partner organisations level are:

- to establish the InternPrize concept as a foundation for a studio school concept. This is already being used in a number of VET schools in France as a vehicle to support students who are often seen as students with learning difficulties and who have hurdles in their integration into the labour market,

- to establish the practice of InternPrize in school at local level and

- to set the foundation for exploration of InternPrize practice through mobilities for apprenticeships or internships overseas for a project oriented mobility experience.


UNINETTUNO has a wide experience in distance learning and in the design and realization of OERs will be a key aspect for the success of the project. The availability of a renewed e-learning web-platform will ensure the possibility to start the delivery process of the courses efficiently and in a short time. 


Associazione ValidaItalyΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Dungannon Enterprise CentreUnited KingdomΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Klaipedos r. Priekules Ievos Simonaitytes gimnazijaLithuaniaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Stucom SASpainΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
VisMedNet AssociationMaltaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ