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Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0687940271

OEII - Open Educational Innovation&Incubation

Global programme: Lifelong Learning Programme 2007 - 2013
Specific programme: Erasmus – Multilateral projects - Modernisation of Higher Education
Call: DG EAC/41/09
Project number: 510231-LLP-1-2010-1-NL-ERASMUS-EMHE
Duration: 30 Months (1/10/2010 - 31/3/2013)
Project Manager: Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Website: http://www.eadtu.eu/oeii.html


Open Educational Innovation & Incubation (OEII) is committed to the requirements and design of an organisational interface, which (more) effectively translates market-specific requirements into the delivery of content, courses, classes, modules or programmes, at a distance, blended, or in a mixed mode. The organisational interface is to become an accelerator for the enhanced incubating of new educational initiatives.
Important areas of priority are explored and evaluated per region of country. The role of universities, departments and organisational incubators in the acceleration process, is evaluated. It is explicated what issues & processes have hindered and/or promoted the knowledge transfer process between (or inside) the different parties, and opportunities are identified to improve the situation. Suggestions to improve organisational interfaces are formulated, and appropriate motivation and reward mechanisms for academics and  accelerators are suggested.
An ideal knowledge value chain for the market-university system will be formulated, which is focused on the targeted educational areas and/or emerging markets. Moreover, in transcending a regional perspective, bestpractice linkages between other European universities and markets will be explored. Practically, OEII performs a cross-comparison of university interfacing models and assesses their associated market receptiveness (WP1). It deduces more flexible interface models for the organisation, which are increasingly designed to improve the support for (pre)incubation of new educational initiatives, encompassing various stakeholder involvement
(WP2). It seeks to obtain more systematic empirical insight as to the incubation process through emerging or running pilots as well as through small-scale experimentation pilots (WP4). OEII finally formulates recommendations as to the organisation of a (more) sustainable and effective university-market interface and an associated code of conduct (WP5).


The aim of Open Educational Innovation & Incubation (OEII) is to conceptualise the design of a sustainable organisational interface which supports improved university-market receptiveness and improves (internal) university incubation and innovation. OEII intends to systematically involve university management, change agents, internal & external stakeholders, multipliers and accelerators, to promote the knowledge exchange process between different parties. It intends to seek solutions to optimise the educational innovation and incubation process, and identify any organisational structures and opportunities that can be taken advantage of. Recommendations to improve organisational interfaces are formulated, and appropriate motivation and reward mechanisms for academics and accelerators are provided.
To accumulate knowledge, OEII performs a cross-comparison of university interfacing models, and deduces flexible interface models for improving support to the (pre)incubation of new educational initiatives. It seeks more empirical insight into the process of incubation by assessing the actual strengths and weaknesses of emerging, running, and small-scale experimental pilots, which actually go through the process of (pre)incubation.
The primary objective of OEII is to formulate recommendations on the organisation of a (more) transparently organised, and sustainable, university-market interface, which is receptive to inside and outside developments, and the valorisation of educational innovation powered by commercial & Open Educational Resources (OER). Secondary objectives include: (a) driving the employability-dialogue with external stakeholders on curriculum innovation & student skills and competences, (b) enhancing educational attainment by establishing connective (post-academic) HE learning paths, (c) acting as a provider towards more inclusion of the population, and (d) improving the possibilities of social mobility for disadvantaged groups.


The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO actively engages in WP 2: contribution to the comparative analysis of the different convergence models concerning the identification & development of training initiatives between its different partner Universities (Mediterranean Network of Universities); it will accordingly contribute to related research, comparison and review work; WP 3: participation to the collaboration within the SWOT analysis; WP 4: UNINETTUNO will be among the universities to forward the definition, design & delivery of an emerging pilot (course) as one example of an educational (pre)incubation initiative; WP 5: collaboration to the processing of reports, guidelines and best practices arising from the WPs. Moreover, UTIU would also contribute to WP 7 - Dissemination.


European Association of Distance Teaching UniversitiesHollandΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Universidad Nacional de Educaciَn a DistanciaSpainΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
The Open UniversityUnited KingdomΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Miskolci EgyetemUngariaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenBelgiumΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
International Telematic University UNINETTUNOItalyΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Tallin UniversityEstoniaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
University of LondonUnited KingdomΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Hellenic Open UniversityGreciaΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Universidade AbertaPortugalΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ
Maria Curie Slodwska UniversityPolandΕπαφέςΜΗΔΕΝΙΚΟ