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ARCHAEOMAP - Archaeological Management Policies - Project Card


Archaeological Management Policies

EU Program
6Th Framework programme on research, technological development and demonstration
FP6-SSP5- 044376
Duration of project
24 months (November 2007 - October 2009)
Scientific Leader
Prof. Maria Amata Garito


First Contracting partner
Regione Sicilia - Assessorato Regionale beni Culturali e Ambientali - Dipartimento Beni Culturali e Ambientali Soprintendenza del Mare (SOPMARE)
UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Palermo's Arsenal (Arsenale di Palermo) - Sea Museum
UNISOM Consorzio Universitario per L'Ateneo della Sicilia Occidentale e il Bacino del Mediterraneo (University Consortium for Western Sicily Atheneum and Mediterranean Area)
International Institute for the Study of Man for the Mediterranean Area
Association de la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Maritime de Villefranche-sur-Mer (Association for the safeguard of maritime heritage of Villefranche-sur-Mer)
Liaisons Mediterranee - Tunis
UNINETTUNO (International Telematic University)
Archaeological Museum of Florina
Dipartement of Underwater Archaeology -Supreme Council of Antiquities
Archaeological Museum of Catalonia
Athena Development Foundation
Archaeo-Antropological Association for Interdisciplinary Operative Investigation (Associazione Archeo-Antropologica Approfondimenti Interdisciplinari Operativi) - A.A.A.AIO'
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Centre of Scientific Research)-Geosciences Azur
Groupe de Recherche en Archeologie Navale (GRAN)
Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna - The Malta Heritage Trust


The objective of ARCHAEOMAP is to develop balanced, interrelated policies with an integrated coast zone management focus. In this context ten Mediterranean archaeological coastal pilot sites will be analysed. It aims to protect environmental resources and bio-cultural diversity, to support socio-economic development through cultural tourism.
ARCHAEOMAP proposes an interdisciplinary research agenda and capacity-building aiming at improving the relationship of Mediterranean people with their marine environment. Its targets are to assess the ecological, social and economic dimensions of maritime culture loss and the reduction of this loss. The project uses its network of pilot sites as vehicles for knowledge-sharing, research and monitoring, education and training, and participatory decision-making.
ARCHAEOMAP seeks to provide context-specific opportunities to combine scientific knowledge and forms of governance using an inter-disciplinary methodology. ARCHAEOMAP pilot sites can also serve as learning and demonstration sites in the framework of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014/DESD). Piloted by an International Committee, ARCHAEOMAP will encourage an interdisciplinary focus on research in natural and social sciences, as well as demonstration and training activities involving issues of natural and cultural resource management.
ARCHAEOMAP centres its interest in sustainable development, stressing importance of conservation and rational utilisation of costal zone resources. Against an interdisciplinary and intercultural backdrop referred to the UNESCO scientific coordination, the ARCHAEOMAP International Committee will encourage scientific research and collection of information without overlooking traditional knowledge of maritime resource management.
Some ARCHAEOMAP's pilot sites are inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The study of these pilot sites introduces innovation through its modern approaches aimed at conservation and sustainable development. They fall of course under the sovereign jurisdiction of the country concerned, sharing at the same time their experience and ideas at regional, national and international level. ARCHAEOMAP project will promote its large network of marine pilot sites in the Mediterranean basin, encouraging trans-boundary and serial nominations for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Over 60 % of the world's population lives within 60 kilometres of the sea. Coastal and marine environment is strongly influenced by human activities, such as local pressures or climate change. Obviously, the ecosystems of coastal zones have a crucial value. Coastal ecosystems have an important economic value for local populations depending from terrestrial and marine resources. Yet, due to population growth and people migration towards large urbanb centres, the number of people living in coastal zones is constantly expanding. Moreover, tourism places coastal zones are under permanent pressure. This situation leads to the constant degradation of natural resources linked with social conflicts and environmental degradation.
ARCHAEOMAP coastal and underwater pilot sites will be essential in order to improve the aspects of monitoring activities and of integrated coastal zone management. They also will be essential to develop more rigorous and innovative guidelines for their conservation and sustainable management. They can offer privileged arenas for blending science and society. Their zoning system allows a specific management, in line with different requirements like protection, scientific research and human use. The state of the art concerning knowledge, safeguard and valorisation of underwater and coastal archaeological sites in the Mediterranean Sea is really various depending on the coastal countries. Spain, France and Italy are standing at adequate standards in the field of research and conservation, but they seem to be at a very beginning level as regards valorisation of sites, in particular underwater ones. This does not concern Southern Italy and Sicily, where both underwater and coastal natural parks and archaeological paths already exist.
From an institutional point of view, offices for sites safeguard and management have been established and cooperation with Universities and Research Bodies has been conceived to ensure steady innovation in the scientific field. Cooperation with private partners has been planned to realize a joint surveillance mission to determine whether the integrated sustainable development of coastal zones is respected in terms of safeguarding of this extraordinary places engraved in the Mediterranean memory. Legislative instruments issued, grant the protection and conservation of the sites. Since 2001, in Sicily Region, a Special Office has been working to increase the value of cultural heritage. Among its tasks, this structure promotes, coordinates and monitors initiatives oriented towards enhancing the value of cultural and natural heritage, as well as landscapes.
Greece and Turkey are in an optimal situation in terms of the safeguard of heritage and are almost at an adequate level of research. Other coastal Mediterranean countries, such as Malta, near-Eastern and Northern Africa countries still lack in research and in underwater sites management. On the other hand, their coastal sites improvement and management may be considered sufficiently advanced.
A problem concerns the unsuccessful adoption of a city management plan to ensure the safeguard of archaeological zones as well as their protection through the creation of an appropriate landscape design. An other problem concerns the pressure of excessive and uncontrolled tourism that tends to turn heritage into a trading commodity rather than a cultural good, which should be protected and increased in its value. As regards the safeguard of underwater sites, with exception of Malta, the problem does not exist simply because water sports are not practiced at all. The situation is very different in coastal sites which require extensive safeguarding because of their accessibility. In a nutshell, the situation is extremely varied. Any attempt to facilitate an exchange of experience could be of great help. Even if, all the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea have taken part in pilot projects in order to enhance cultural and archaeological heritage, they still lack of a common strategy or approach. In this group of initiatives are placed several experiences to enhance sites, such as the Egadi Islands Archaeological Park in the Sicily Channel, the archaeological site of Sinis in Sardinia, the Punic site of Carthage in Tunisia, Pharos Island in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, Tire Harbour in Lebanon, Thessalonica Harbour in Greece, Empuries Harbour in Catalonia, the archaeological sites of Malta and Gibraltar and the Bay of "Villefranchesur- Mer" in France, where intense research activity continues concerning the Provence Hercules Harbour's ruins.
For example, in the Archaeological Park of Egadi Islands, the amphoras of Cala Minnola's wreck will remain on the seabed in their original position. In order to ensure their safety and, at the same time, to offer to visitors an opportunity of wreck direct observation, a tele-video control system consisting of four video cameras has been operating 24 hours a day live since July 2006. Images of the archaeological site are transmitted from the seabed to Favignana Island. They are now available inside the City Hall, pending their final destination in the great 'Stabilimento Florio' (the largest tuna-fish factory in Mediterranean), where work is still in progress.
At the Sinis archaeological site, a multidisciplinary activity was launched involving the non-profitmaking cultural association AAA.AIO, CNR geologists and private individuals like Francesco Cubeddu (National Price for Photography 2005). The results have been presented in a catalogue accompanying the exhibition "Atlantikà : Sardinia and Mito Island" at UNESCO's Paris headquarter (April 2005). A series of contributions highlight the research strategy and the site's enhancement, establishing a programmatic and a multidisciplinary manifesto indicating the path to take. Information may be collected looking up the web site in the section Atlaltikà /progetti.
An international workshop on Submarine Archaeology and Coastal Management (known as 'SARCOM') was held in Alexandria in April 1997. It was organized by the University of Alexandria, the Supreme Council of Antiquities and UNESCO. The aim of the workshop was to find a way to preserve Alexandria's past, allowing at the same time the modern city development. Workshop sessions covered a wide range of topics starting from Alexandria's historical background up to pollution remote sensing and control. The workshop declaration included methods through which the Citadel could be stabilized without endangering the nearby Pharos site and how Alexandria's archaeological sites could be turned into a terrestrial and underwater museum.
At the Villefranche Rada pilot site, a multidisciplinary approach among the historical Arsenal, in partnership with the CNRS, the "Association pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Maritime de Villefranchesur-Mer" and the GRAN ("Groupe de Recherche en Archèologie Navale"), has been implemented. Different activities have been set up, including a school for training in archaeological underwater techniques, organized by GRAN in the context of the European Project "La Navigation du Savoir" (Euromed-Heritage II), and a Science Centre oriented towards research and teaching of marine sciences (in particular biology, ecology, geology and oceanography). It is also important to mention the opening of the First International Festival of the Mediterranean Maritime Heritage in Villefranche in March 2003, organized by the "Association pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Maritime de Villefranche-sur-Mer". Moreover, the Association hosts a multi-media pole in partnership with the Oceanography Observatory and the CNRS to disseminate scientific and technical knowledge through its website ( and local portal related to the project, "La Navigation du Savoir" (
At international level, a Regional Sea partnership on marine and coastal protected areas is active. The full name of this initiative is the UNESCO-UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) Regional Seas- CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity) - Partnership on Marine and Coastal Protected Areas. It is designed to coordinate information related to marine and coastal protected areas among the United Nations and other international bodies. Its aim is to contribute to establish representative networks of marine protected areas by 2012, as agreed at the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002.
The UNESCO World Heritage Marine Programme mission is the marine world's cultural and natural heritage safeguard, by assisting adhering States both in marine sites designation and in their appropriate management. This will ensure the precious marine areas will be maintained and preserved for future generations. All marine areas of "outstanding universal value" will be inscribed as World Heritage, thus leading to a better protection of marine cultural and bio-diversity. All marine ARCHAEOMAP pilot sites will be exemplary models of effective and results-based management, extending the project results to coastal communities around the Mediterranean basin.

The marine environment is coming under an increasing threat due to several factors, as for example: urban coastal development, tourism needs, pollution, climate change, geological events, seismic risk etc.. Relatively intact marine ecosystems are becoming rare in Mediterranean Sea. In consideration of this urgent actions are needed to establish a network involving the more representative and ecologically important marine areas. The UNESCO World Heritage Convention is aimed at giving an important contribution to marine protected areas safeguard. Its international profile, legal status, site-based orientation and comprehensive natural heritage criteria provide a practical approach for a strategic enhancement of the worldwide marine conservation. Over a total of 800 World Heritage sites, 31 currently include marine areas and 30 are coastline sites. In order to advance the application of the World Heritage Convention for marine sites, in July 2005 the World Heritage Committee officially approved the UNESCO World Heritage Marine Programme.

Organization of the project
The project is organized into five key meetings, during which the following main themes will be discussed:
- the establishment of an International Committee, which will gather experts from the Mediterranean basin and from humanities and sciences field, in order to integrate their contributions for the sustainable development of the Euro-Mediterranean basin;
- the drafting of interdisciplinary pilot study cases concerning the Mediterranean coastal archaeological sites, to analyse cultural, natural and submarine heritage, for an integrated management and for a consideration on the new strategies which should be applied;
- the realization of an International Forum, as a project media window to disseminate the subjects discussed and to allow the widest public to discover values diffused by the pilot studies;
- the final report publication: joint edition by Sellerio, Italy, Actes Sud, France, and Vicens Vives, Spain aiming at developing advanced guidelines on ARCHAEOMAP methodology and at making the international public aware of the value and of the symbolic role of common Mediterranean heritage. This report will become the subject of a distance teaching module promoted around the Euro-Mediterranean basin thanks to UNINETTUNO, the International Telematic University, RAI MED SAT and the « Avicenna Virtual Campus» within the UNESCO/MEDA-Eumedis communitarian project.

The degree of involvement in these five meetings will be essential; the meetings will be carried out in five international symbolic value places:
- "Palazzo dei Normanni", headquarter of the Arabo-Norman ancient court of Sicily, the historical place of the inter-cultural contact between East and the West, the North and the South of the Mediterranean (opening event of the project);
- Barcelona and Empuria's Archaeological site, the historical place of the rebirth and the valorisation of the Mediterranean culture;
- Alexandria Library of Egypt, the "lighthouse guide" of the Mediterranean, symbol of the knowledge which illuminates the world;
- UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, a meeting place selected by the United Nations to lead the man towards peace and tolerance in the world.
- Museum of the Sea - Arsenal of Palermo, nodal point for the Association of the Maritime Museums in the Mediterranean basin (closing event of the project).

The pilot projects aspects will consist in an interdisciplinary study of 10 archaeological coastal and underwater sites of the Mediterranean Sea:
- archaeological park of the Egadi islands in Sicily Channel;
- archaeological site of Sinis, in Sardinia;
- archaeological site of Carthage, in Tunisia;
- archaeological site of Pharos island, in Alexandria of Egypt;
- archaeological site of Thessaloniki, in Greece;
- archaeological site of Empuries, in Catalonia;
- archaeological sites of Malta;
- archaeological park of the Villefranche-sur-Mer Bay, in France
- archaeological site of Tire, in Lebanon;
- archaeological sites of Gibraltar;

In order to assure planned actions are correctly implemented and related goals achieved, task-sharing among partners will take the following form:
- General coordinator and organizer of the opening meeting: Sicilian Region - Superintendence of the Sea - Department of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage.
- Scientific co-ordinator and organizer of the international Forum in Paris: UNESCO.
- Organizer of the Barcelona meeting: Catalonia Archaeological Museum.
- Organizer of the meeting at the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt: Department of Underwater Archaeology -Supreme Council of Antiquities.
- Organizer of the closing meeting at the Maritime Arsenal of Palermo: "Comitato Pro Arsenale Borbonico".
- Responsible for diffusion of the distance teaching module: UNINETTUNO
- Responsible for fund raising on behalf of the International Committee: Athena Foundation Development.
The International Committee will be composed of two representatives from each partner, for a total of 32 experts from different scientific and cultural fields and from Mediterranean countries. These experts come from governmental and non-governmental organizations, research agencies, universities, private and public higher education institutions, restoration agencies and museums.


The ARCHAEOMAP objectives can only be reached through a process of coordination, cooperation and synergy among the various ARCHAEOMAP partner institutions and through an innovative change in policies development, particularly at local level. The aim of the ARCHAEOMAP project is to draw up appropriate guidelines consisting of methodologies, professional skills, knowledge, good practices and awareness, to set up innovative and integrated costal zone management of the Mediterranean area, encouraging nominations to the UNESCO World Heritage List

The main characteristics of this project are:
- The professional expertise, experience and awareness of international experts, consultants and professionals able to manage sustainable strategies. The formative structure of the project, based on the transfer of both theoretical and practical competence and ability, as described in the project, enables partners to acquire predictive capacities and to identify strategic actions for accompanying stakeholders and competent local bodies towards territorial sustainability.
- The mutual exchange of experiences between different regional authorities, universities, institutes, research bodies, training centres and associations guarantee high standards of assessment and research for the project itself. Knowledge can be shared through four Meetings and an UNESCO International Forum aiming at assessing the training process and at improving the ARCHAEOMAP guidelines.

General Objective (long-term):

- To educate international experts, professionals and consultants in preserving and promoting bio-cultural diversity, considering that local knowledge, traditions, natural and cultural (tangible/intangible) heritage are crucial aspects of sustainable development.

Specific objectives (short-term):

Objective 1:

To promote a sustainability assessment methodology of environmental impact based on sustainability indicators (see Table* 1 explaining The World Heritage Marine Programme indicators).

Objective 2:

To develop advanced guidelines on environmental sustainability for underwater and coastal archaeological sites of the Mediterranean basin.
2.1 Realisation of a co-ordination and comparison action, among circum-Mediterranean countries, through the analysis of case studies and researches developed in the fields of climate change, geological events and seismic risk; protection from coastal corrosion and prevention of natural hazards due to sea-level rise; finding a balance between visitors' interests and good conservation of site conditions; promotion of sustainable cultural tourism and traditional economy.
2.2 Enhancement of sites from the environmental, cultural and socio-economic point of view, improving communication and sharing management choices among Northern and Southern Mediterranean countries and elaborating an innovative, valid approach to tackle the problems of coastal and underwater archaeological sites linked to biological and cultural diversity.

Objective 3:

To transfer and share scientific and technical information and translate knowledge into social applications and policies at the local, national and international levels.
3. 1 To Contribute to the development of scientific-technological policies and instruments for an integrated coastal zone management. This will concern archaeological coastal and underwater pilot sites, and will take into consideration scientific, cultural, public and tourist resources. Human activities impact and new integrated cultural, environmental and socio-economical strategies for territory promotion will be take into consideration too.

Objective 4:

To encourage trans-boundary and serial nominations of ARCHAEOMAP pilots sites for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List (the Egadi Islands Archaeological Park in the Sicily Channel will be the first pilot site proposed) as an innovative example of sustainable development in Mediterranean area.
4.1 To use ARCHAEOMAP to promote the UNESCO World Heritage Convention on safeguard of cultural (tangible/intangible) natural and underwater heritage as a large-scale marine conservation network in the Mediterranean basin. The UNESCO World Heritage Marine Programme aims at facilitating collaboration between governments and stakeholders for networks promotion and marine protected areas conservation, using as a support the prestige of the World Heritage Convention.
4.2 To build a Mediterranean Marine Heritage Managers Network, through the creation of ARCHAEOMAP International Committee, to strengthen conservation capacity and effective management. These pilot sites will become models of best practices with the possibility to share experience with sites preparing nominations, as well as with sites already inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. To develop strategic partnerships in support of a common Mediterranean Marine Heritage. To integrate intangible heritage as an important factor for sustainable development and a fundamental element of the Mediterranean people identity.


Result 1
Result 2
Result 3
Result 4
Result 5
Result 6
Result 7
Result 8
Result 9

Result 1
To analyse through study cases the impact of archaeological sites, taking into consideration their conservation, protection and reconstruction but also the effect of tourism and environmental preservation.

Result 2
To analyse the two strictly related topics of excavation techniques and the consequent conservation and management strategies.

Result 3
To identify decisions to reduce pressure and damage caused by daily visitors and concerning the safeguard of the sites from the scientific point of view. On the other hand, the decisions will regard the development of the same sites as a cultural, public and tourist resource.

Result 4
To analyse destructive climate events both in submarine archaeological sites and coastal ones.

Result 5
To analyse the topic of the acceptability of rebuilding archaeological ruins, including costbenefit considerations.

Result 6
To search for a balance between the visitors' interests, site conditions good conservation and scientific and technical accuracy.

Result 7
To promote cooperation between scientific institutions involved in excavations-conservation techniques and public authorities responsible for cultural management and tourism.

Result 8
To involve institutions from third countries in the role of partners.

Result 9
To identify best practices for long-term management of archaeological sites.



ARCHAEOMAP project will certainly produce a positive impact on integrated conservation of coastal and underwater archaeological heritage of the Mediterranean area.
The International Committee, composed of a group of experts coming from different countries of the Mediterranean area and from different scientific and cultural doctrines, will operate in order to obtain the project expected results. This will be done by recommending good practices and by indicating strategies to carry into effect within governmental and non-governmental organizations, research bodies, universities, public and private bodies devoted to advanced training, museums and restoration structures.
The interdisciplinary study will analyse the results related to every single study case providing new trends for activities planning, such as well-balanced protection strategies, conservation and enhancement of archaeological sites. It will take into particular consideration visits and their incidence on the archaeological and scientific character of these sites and on the surrounding environment.
In general, the project results will lead to governance improvement, recommending good practices for sites management and giving protection against deterioration and pressures of mass tourism.
For European partners, the project results will be useful to improve multi-disciplinary approach. The non-European partners will have an opportunity to adapt themselves to a management, conservation and enhancement system for sharing archaeological heritage.
The International Committee work will produce a strong communicative impact and shared management choices. It will introduce a valid and innovative approach in order to cope with the problems of managing archaeological sites and in order to extend both good practices and strategic information to similar sites.
In particular, the group of experts' aim will be to make public authorities, private sector and civil society conscious that a "common maritime heritage" may become an instrument for the establishment of an inter-cultural dialogue and a tool for fixing conditions for reconciliation in the Mediterranean region. Moreover, a "common maritime heritage" may boost local economies and social development towards the enhancement, the creation and the management of archaeological and cultural heritage.
In addition, starting with the comparison of study cases, the ARCHAEOMAP International Committee will set up not only a methodology for good management practices but also science policies for the sustainable management of coastal and underwater archaeological sites. It will also focus on the identification of cultural, environmental and socio-economic sustainability indicators.
Through the Athena Foundation, funds will be gathered in order to permit the International Committee to continue its activity at the end of the project. It will also ensure the sustainability of results, encouraging integration and sharing of information in the Mediterranean basin.
From a cost-benefit point of view, the project allows the analysis and the study of 10 pilot archaeological sites in the Mediterranean basin, the creation of a group of experts organized into an International Committee, the organization of an international forum at UNESCO and the diffusion of the results in the form of scientific report, editorial publications and distance teaching instruments.
The project is intended as a study occasion to make the public opinion aware as concerns Mediterranean Sea multi-cultural dimension.
The international Forum will be an instrument for large-scale communication and for the diffusion of questions related to the sustainable development of archaeological sites. At the same time it will be an instrument for the diffusion of the environmental policy related to the archaeological sites. This will involve the public opinion in the themes and topics tackled by the international expert group.
During the Forum, UNESCO will play a catalyst role among the institutional actors, the industrial ones and the professionals of tourism, and it will organize an information "atelier" on international legislation.
Moreover, during the Forum development, a training "atelier" will be opened to all partners involved in the project and to all visitors. Through these training activities, information on the pilot sites will be made available by using multimedia platforms. The UNESCO Forum itself will play a training role, making the International Conventions known to participants, starting from the Convention for the protection of world cultural and natural heritage (1972) up to the recent "Convention for the protection of submarine heritage"(2001).
The final publication will raise awareness on the value and on the symbolic role of this heritage and will allow the spreading of new methodologies in the cultural, archaeological and environmental field.
The distance teaching module, disseminated around the Mediterranean basin via UNINETTUNO, RAI MED SAT and the Avicenna Virtual Campus within the framework of the UNESCO/MEDA-Eumedis project will contribute to the diffusion of the project results at the university level. This will add a training component to the project and will increase its impact both directly through the module and indirectly through the students.
A documentary will be broadc-asted across the Mediterranean (Italy, France, Spain, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia, Jordan, Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, and Morocco) via MED SAT and RAI 3 (from its regional seat in Palermo), in partnership with the French channel France 3 and the Spanish channel RTVE. This will contribute to a mass diffusion of the activities related to the project and of the archaeological, cultural and environmental policy-driven results.

The project aims at working out a long-term strategy that will be developed in the context of the next 7FWP.
The Athena Development Foundation will look for complementary financing in order to develop professional training, to grant scholarships and research subsidies. The aim will be the creation of new job opportunities related to these new disciplines for the sustainable development of the Euro-Mediterranean basin. These activities, which imply direct and indirect diffusion of the project results, will be accompanied by press advertising of meetings that will take place in different prestigious seats:

- "Palazzo dei Normanni" in Palermo, the ancient Arab-Norman Court of Sicily site: historical place of inter-cultural meeting between East and West, North and South in the Mediterranean basin;
- Barcelona and Empuria's archaeological site, known in history books as the place of rebirth and development of the Mediterranean culture;
- Library of Alexandria in Egypt, the "lighthouse guide", symbol of knowledge that lights the world;
- UNESCO in Paris, the headquarter of the United Nations agency, where the humanity strives for peace and tolerance in the world.
A web site will contribute to the international diffusion of the project. It will also monitor related events.

The ARCHAEOMAP website will be established during the first three months of the project and maintained for at least 2 years after the project ends. It will be directly accessible via the main search engines by typing the word ARCHAEOMAP and the main key words connected with the project (for example: underwater archaeology, archaeological management, underwater/coastal cultural heritage etc.). In order to ensure the visibility of the website, it will be linked to the site of the Superintendence of the Sea and of the Sicily Region. The web site will be one of the key elements ensuring the "networking and communication" of the project. In order to achieve this goal, the site will be organized as an open "public area". Sites under study and key information about the project will be indicated. This instrument will also be organized as a private area to which partners will have access by using a password: this space will include deliverables, drafts, agendas of meetings, reporting, etc.
An initial leaflet will introduce the ARCHAEOMAP project as a visiting card. It will illustrate the partners involved, the archaeological sites, the Forum in Paris etc.
The CDs-Rom and DVDs production will help to detail the project phases. These latest ones, together with the final report will be a tool for local governments in developing similar projects. The collected documentation will be used to write a book, which will be disseminated.
The added value of the project emerges not only from the partnership involved, mostly belonging to the Mediterranean basin, but also from the international innovative and integrated approach and the scientific and technical co-ordination offered by UNESCO. The contribution made by the multi-disciplinary approach will be crucial to draw up policies and to fix lines and directions on cultural and natural heritage.
A great added value could be offered by the recommendations and the strategies arising from the meetings of the International Committee. These ones, could provide useful information for the ongoing and the updating of "Culture 2000" framework programme and of the Structural Funds. In particular the International Committee will provide information on the protection of archaeological sites. Indirectly, this will also contribute to address the Water Framework Directive and complementary measures related to cultural heritage and the EC's CAFE initiative (Clean Air for Europe). The specific aspects of air pollution on cultural heritage and on archaeological sites will be considered.
Moreover, on the basis of studies and research activities already developed as a starting point for its work, the International Committee will act as a "trait d'union" among the fields of research, politics and advanced training at the national and international levels.
Experts from the different countries of the Mediterranean area belonging to various scientific and cultural disciplines will contribute to spread the value and to sustain the signature of the International Conventions by the governments of their countries. The creation of the International Committee strengthens the commitment to the European Council and signatories of the European Convention for the Protection of archaeological heritage and it makes possible to extend the value and the meaning of protection to non-European countries of the Mediterranean Sea.
Lastly, it is important to remember the added value of the scientific and technical co-ordination offered by UNESCO in its cooperation with the European Union to preserve world cultural heritage. This is particularly true with regard to the development of scientific and technological policies and instruments for sustainable coastal zone protection, especially for preservation and promotion of archaeological coastal sites.



UNINETTUNO will coordinate the diffusion of the project outcomes (a distance teaching module) that will be spread in the Euro-Mediterranean area by RAI NETTUNO, RAI MED SAT. Its General, Director Dr. Maria Amata Garito is an international expert of new communication technologies and coordinator of the Mediterranean Network MedNetU of Eumedis Programme.



Implementation plan develops into eight work packages co-ordination activities related:

Work-package 1 (WP1) Definition of project staff, planning of activities, initial and end meeting of International Committee (Palermo)
Work-package 2 (WP2) Intermediate meetings of International Committee for sustainable development of Mediterranean basin (Barcelona and Alexandria) and International Forum in Paris and "Educational Atelier"
Work-package 3 (WP3) Results elaboration, preparation of editorial publishing and distance teaching module
Work-package 4 (WP4) Diffusion, dissemination and transferability of results
Work-package 5 (WP5) Technical and scientific coordination.
Work-package 6 (WP6) Recommendations and guidelines and into two work packages consortium management activities related.
Work-package 7 (WP7 ) Planning, internal and overall coordination activities, communication, networking, monitoring activities and internal assessment of activities.
Work-package 8 (WP8 ) Management of the activities in relation to the European Commission


Work-package 1 (WP1) Definition of project staff, planning of activities, initial and end meeting of International Committee (Palermo)

Work-package 2 (WP2) Intermediate meetings of International Committee for sustainable development of Mediterranean basin (Barcelona and Alexandria) and International Forum in Paris and "Educational Atelier"

WPs 1 and 2 will guide expert team showing the meeting objectives and deliverables

Work-package 3 (WP3) Results elaboration, preparation of editorial publishing and distance teaching module

WP 3 following each meeting, it will point out the results achieved, preparing the documents to insert in publications and in distance teaching module.

Work-package 4 (WP4) Diffusion, dissemination and transferability of results

Work-package 5 (WP5) Technical and scientific coordination

Work-package 6 (WP6) Recommendations and guidelines and into two work packages consortium management activities related.

WPs 4, 5 and 6 are transversal WPs; they will be developed at the same time of the previous ones because they will guide UNESCO in technical and scientific coordination (WP 5); they will guide the steps of the activities organization: partner's network management, project transferability and definition of times and methods for project results publishing and spreading (WP 4); they will coordinate the collection, the re-elaboration and the presentation of the project results for recommendations and final guidelines (WP 6). Regarding the consortium management activities:

Work-package 7 (WP7 ) Planning, internal and overall coordination activities, communication, networking, monitoring activities and internal assessment of activities.

WP 7 will indicate guidelines to the management and decision-making committee to ensure the achievement of the expected objectives. It will guide the applicant in project coordination, networking and monitoring activities, to ensure efficient procedures and to identify possible corrective measures.

Work-package 8 (WP8 ) Management of the activities in relation to the European Commission

WP 8 includes the fundamental activities of internal assessment to avoid and to control the main risks related to the project: delays in meeting organization, delays in results delivery, delays in initial, intermediate and ending report elaboration, lack of internal coordination, etc. WP 8 includes a mid-term assessment, involving the EC Project Officer upon which the decision to continue or not the project will be made.
The mid-term assessment, considering the works carried on during the first 12 months, will evaluate if the project goes in the right direction following its specific objects:
Good practices elaboration in terms of integrated management solutions.
Guidelines drawing up to improve the governance of both coastal archaeological and underwater sites; protection improvement against deterioration and tourism pressure.
Guidelines drawing up to increase the sites value under the environmental, cultural and socio-economical point of view.
Guidelines drawing up in order to increase communication and management choices sharing between South and North Mediterranean countries.
Definition of a valid and innovative approach to apply to archaeological, coastal and underwater sites problems.
In addition, there will be an evaluation of indicators to monitor the project, using the chrono programme and the general project planning, the deliverables, the milestones and the expected results. WP 8 will guide the applicant in general coordination and in project's administrative management.


Sicily Region - Superintendence of the Sea - Regional Assessorship of Cultural and Environmental Heritage
The Administrative coordinator of the project is the first Italian Sea Superintendence that is completely responsible for safeguard, valorisation and management of cultural, natural and underwater heritage; Its Supervisor Sebastiano Tusa coordinates the Underwater Archaeological Analytic Group of Sicily (Gruppo Indagine Archeologica Subacquea Sicilia) and he is responsible for the study of Archaeological Underwater Park of Egadi Islands; he is the manager of the "Servizio per i Beni Archeologici della Soprintendenza, per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali di Trapani", consultant for the SCRAS (Servizio per il Coordinamento delle Ricerche Archeologiche Sottomarine) for Sicily Region, University Teacher of Paleontology at the "Istituto Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa" of Naples - Degree Course in Conservation of Cultural Goods - archaeological sector; University Teacher of underwater archaeology at Bologna University - Studies in Naval Archaeology in the branch of Trapani; member of the Regional Council for Cultural and Environmental Goods of Sicily Region, Director Assistance for "Sicilia Archeologica", Trapani The Archaeological Underwater Park of Egadi Islands has been chosen as first pilot archaeological site of the project, as placed in the Sicily channel, in one of the most obliged passage of Mediterranean history, on the route linking Europe to Africa, the first Columns of Hercules of history, before Alexander the Great moved them in Gibraltar corridor; The Superintendence of the Sea will organize a meeting of the International Committee in Normanni's Palace of Palermo, seat of the Sicily ancient Arabian-Norman court, place of the historical meeting between East and West.
Rai3, from the regional seat of Palermo in partnership with the French channel, France3, and the Spanish RTVE, will regularly follow the activities of the project. 30 minutes transmission of daily information will be diffused by satellite in several Mediterranean countries (Italy, France, Spain, Malta, Tunisia, Algeria, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, and Morocco) and will contribute to give a wide echo to this project.
The Superintendence of the Sea, making use of its rich network of contacts in the Mediterranean area, will play a fundamental role in the enlargement of the International Committee. As a matter of fact, part of the budget managed by the Superintendence will be addressed and spent for the invitation of the representatives of the most important Mediterranean centres of underwater archaeology these will be: DRASSM (Direction de l'architecture et du patrimoine, sous-direction de l'archèologie - Dèpartement des recherches archèologiques subaquatiques et sous-marines -France) and the Hellenic Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, a department within the Greek Ministry of Culture. Moreover the Superintendence will design part of its own budget to invite the representatives of Lebanon and the Gibraltar Museum to the International Committee meetings that will take place in Palermo, Barcelona, Alexandria (in Egypt) and in Paris.


UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Scientific and Technical Coordinator of the International Committee, charged of the interdisciplinary study on the 10 pilot sites of the project. The International Committee will produce a report on the contribution of science and culture to sustainable development in Mediterranean area. It will be chaired by Dr. Mustafa El Tayeb, Director of the Division for Science Policies and Sustainable Development of UNESCO, with a Scientific Director, Dr. Salvatore Giannino, international expert of Mediterranean maritime heritage, a scientist who also acted as Scientific Director of the Community project "La Navigation du Savoir" at the Mediterranean Programme of UNESCO (supported by Euromed Heritage II Programme 2002-2005) and University Teacher of Sustainable Development at the University of Turin. A final report will be published aiming at raising international awareness on the value and on the symbolic role of Mediterranean common heritage. UNESCO will organize in Paris an international Forum dedicated to the project.

Palermo's Arsenal (Arsenale di Palermo) - Sea Museum
It will support the Superintendence of the Sea in the study of Arc haeological Underwater Park of Egadi Islands and in the organization of Palermo meeting dedicated to the project. Its President, Pietro Maniscalco, will bring the project contributions in the new Sea Museum whose opening is expected for 2007. It will continue its valorisation mission of marine Mediterranean heritage, began in the frame of European Community project "Mediterrania" of Cultura 2000. The Palermo's Arsenal, at present time in restoration phase, will welcome the International Committee for the final meeting of the project. The Palermo's Arsenal is part of the "Museum of the Sea Network".

UNISOM Consorzio Universitario per l'Ateneo della Sicilia Occidentale e il Bacino del Mediterraneo (University Consortium for Western Sicily Atheneum and Mediterranean Area)
It's a high teaching structure of private nature, recognized by "Regione Siciliana", which organizes First Level Masters in partnership with the main Italian universities. It has also organized several Masters related to the cultural heritage field, such as: University Master in "Valorisation of Church Cultural Heritage" First level Master: Expert in valorisation and promotion of local cultural sources First level Master: "E-manager" for eco-sustainable tourism development.

International Institute for the Study of Man for the Mediterranean Area
Founded in 1998 with the aim of promoting study and spreading of human natural history and of evaluating environmental problems of human populations. The activities in which the Association is involved sweep from disciplines related to man, to its bio-naturalistic, sanitary and socio-economical interactions with the environment. Since its foundation, the Association has been involved in exhibitions and events, in the organization of courses and in the patronization of cultural manifestations. Its President Rita Cedrini carries on a didactic activity on cultural anthropology at the University of Palermo. She is Director of the Antropological Laboratory of the University of Palermo and of the Audio-Video laboratory of the International School of Human Science in Gibellina.

Association de la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Maritime de Villefranche-sur-Mer (Association for the safeguard of maritime heritage of Villefranche-sur-Mer)
It is the responsible organisation for the interdisciplinary study on the "French archaeological park of the Villefranche-sur-Mer Bay", until today can be registered an intensive activity of research for the Province Hercules' harbour's ruins. The Bay keeps in its territory several underwater wrecks of great historical importance and may also be considered a natural site of great scientific interest. Its President, Dominique Tailliez, grandson of the French underwater archaeology pioneer Philippe Tailliez, collaborates with the "Dèpartement de Recherches en Archèologie Subaquatique et Sous- Marine du Ministére français de la Culture - DRASSM" and with the "Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Gèosciences Azur" of the Oceanographic Observatory of Villefranche-sur-Mer. The association has already been partner of UNESCO's Mediterranean Programme in the communitarian project "La Navigation du Savoir" Euromed-Heritage II.

Liaisons Mediterranée - Tunis
It has taken part to an interdisciplinary study in the pilot archaeological site of Cartage, included in the list of World Heritage of UNESCO under the signature of the Barcelona Agreement. Ridha Tlili, Director of the UER - the Cultural Ministry of Tunisia, Director of the "Unitè de promotion des sources de la mèmoire et de l'identitè nationale" has been the coordinator of an interdisciplinary study on "sea memory" in Tunisi, following the mission of the UNESCO project "Les Routes de Carthage", in the frame of "La Navigation du Savoir" Euromed-Heritage II project.

UNINETTUNO (International Telematic University)
UNINETTUNO(located in Rome) will coordinate the diffusion of the project outcomes (a distanceteaching module) that will be spread in the Euro-Mediterranean area by RAI NETTUNO, RAI MED SAT. Its General, Director Dr. Maria Amata Garito is an international expert of new communication technologies and coordinator of the Mediterranean Network MedNetU of Eumedis Programme.

Archaeological Museum of Florina
The director Dr. Kostas Soueref has been responsible for the interdisciplinary study of the pilot archaeological site of the Thessaloniki and "Termaico" Gulf. The exhibition of the museum includes topographical and architectural plans, excavation photographs, a model of the archaeological site of Petres and a representation of the storage and workshop areas of the same site. The museum contains collections of sculptures, reliefs and inscriptions excavation finds from two cities, Petres and the hill of Ag. Panteleimon in Florina and a collection of Byzantine antiquities.

Dipartement of Underwater Archaeology -Supreme Council of Antiquities
It is the responsible for the interdisciplinary study in the pilot archaeological site of Alexandria. Its Director Alaa Mahrous coordinates the Underwater Archaeology Department and the future project connected to the Underwater Museum and Archaeological Park of Pharos Island. The Underwater Archaeology Department will welcome an International Committee meeting in the Great Library of Alexandria of Egypt, leading lighthouse of the Mediterranean Sea, symbol of knowledge that lights the world.

Archaeological Museum of Catalonia
The Archaeological Museum of Catalonia is an historical place of rebirth and valorisation of the Mediterranean culture directed towards safeguard and promotion of archaeological heritage as an instrument of sustainable cultural, environmental and socio-economical development. As a National Museum, conservation, investigation and dissemination of information about the archaeological remains that illustrate Catalonia's history from prehistory to the Middle Ages are in its aims. The MAC currently embraces the archaeological museums in Barcelona and Girona, the Greco-Roman city of Empúries, the historical monuments at Olérdola, the Iberian site at Ullastret, as well as the Submarine Archaeology Centre of Catalonia (CASC). Its Director Xavier Aquiluè is also the director of the scientific series "Monografies Emporitanes" and of the International Archaeological Courses of Empùries. With 25 years of experience in the field of research and numerous publications and presentations to congresses, he has also been member of the Deutsche Archäeologische Institut and of the Editorial Council of a lot of scientific reviews (Archivo Español de Arqueología, Quaderns d'Història i Arqueologia del Museu d'Història de la Ciutat de Barcelona, Mèrida.Excavaciones arqueológicas,....). Francisco Javier Nieto Prieto Director of the Centre d'Arqueologia Subacuà tica de Catalunya, is Member of the Board of Directors of the Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, and from 1998, lecturer in Underwater Archaelogy at the Barcelona University. He has been Archaeologist, responsible for the Department of Underwater Archeology at the Archaeological Research Centre in Diputación de Girona. He has been responsible for Underwater Archaeology in the Section of Archaeology in the Department of Culture in the Generalitat de Catalunya. From 1984 elected member of the Group P.A.C.T. (Underwater Archaeology) in the Council of Europe and from 1988 to 1990, elected coordinator of the Group P.A.C.T. (Underwater Archaeology) in the Council of Europe. From 1998 to 2003, Spanish representative in the International Committee on Underwater Cultural Heritage (ICOMOS).

Athena Development Foundation
Dedicates itself to studies and formation in the field of sustainable development. Its General Secretary Carlo Bussi gave life to the Little and Medium Enterprises Net of Mediterranean area, in the frame of UNESCO Mediterranean Programme, specialised in fund raising. Athena Development Foundation will look for complementary funds to develop professional teaching and to attribute study and research grants aiming at the creation of new work places connected to these new disciplines for sustainable development of Euro-Mediterranean area and to avoid the escape of young brains. A special attention will be reserved to the role of woman in Mediterranean area, to guarantee a real equal opportunity in job world.

Archaeo-Antropological Association for Interdisciplinary Operative Investigation (Associazione Archeo-Antropologica Approfondimenti Interdisciplinari Operativi) - A.A.A.AIO'
The Association will be responsible for the interdisciplinary pilot study dedicated to Piana dei Nuraghe in Sinis'mudd in Sardinia. In a recent interdisciplinary study, presented by its president Sergio Frau (journalist at the Italian daily newspaper Repubblica) in his book "Le Colonne d'Ercole. Un'inchiesta", the Sardinian Cultural Association 'A.A.A.AIO' defends the theory on the origin of the first Hercules's Columns in the Sicily channel, before Alexander the Great moved them to Gibraltar. In April 2005, in the UNESCO headquarter in Paris, an international meeting was dedicated to this theory. Its president Sergio Frau is an italian Journalist and a writer. He works for the daily paper "La Republica" for which he is a correspondent on cultural themes. He has written the essay entitled: Le Colonne d'Ercole - Un'inchiesta. In april 2005 a symposium on the books topics has been held in Paris at UNISCO, together with the exhibition "Atlantikà : Sardaigne, Ile Mythe on Nuragic Saridinia.

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Centre of Scientific Research) -Gèosciences Azur
It is the scientific partner associated to "Association de la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine Maritime de Villefranche-sur-Mer" for the interdisciplinary study in the French archaeological park of the Bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer. Jean Mascle, Research Director of the laboratory "Gèosciences Azur" in the Oceanographic Observatory of Villefranche-su-Mer is an international expert of geological, seismic risk and "tsunami" in Mediterranean area.

Groupe de Recherche en Archèologie Navale (GRAN)
The GRAN today gets together about one hundred members with multiple competences. Starting from its creation up to 1998, it was managed by Philippe Tailliez, one of the most important figures of the underwater world. Pioneer, with Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Frèdèric Dumas, of the autonomous immersion and of underwater archaeology, he has been the first commander of the "Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches Sous-marines (GERS)" and of the "ècole de plongèe de la Marine Nationale" Since its creation the GRAN has carried out a great number of underwater archaeological prospections, excavations and historical researches, with the aim of studying the old ships, availing oneself of the experience that its members have ripened in the field of underwater heritage, archaeology, immersions, prospections and interventions.

Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna - The Malta Heritage Trust
It is a voluntary non-governmental organisation active in the field of heritage preservation. It looks after several historic buildings and sites in Malta, open to the public. Its properties cover all periods of Malta's 7000-year-old history, from the pre-history to the 20th century. These range from a megalithic temple at Kordin to a great baroque gate, once serving as the main entrance into the imposing 7 km long Cottonera bastioned ramparts; these also range from a Victorian fort armed with the world's largest cannon to 20th century concrete defences. All sites are cared by a combination of paid staff supported by volunteers. The latter, freely dedicate much of their time and effort to maintain these sites to the highest possible order. The foundation has also completed the project "TEMPER - Training, Education and Management of Prehistoric Mediterranean Sites" included in the frame of EUROMED HERITAGE II programme, in which the foundation was involved as manager of a pre-historical site of world fame, preparing a long term managing programme. Mario Ferrugia is the Executive Director of the Foundation and Director of Malta Heritage Trust, the National Agency for the Cultural Heritage. He has worked as local coordinator for the following projects: Sharp Project - INTERREG 3C, Temper Project - EUROMED Heritage II, Delta Project - EUROMED Heritage II, Futurisen Project - INTERREG 3C. The typology of the project itself conditioned the choice of partners that, owing to their experience and their competence, have a key role in the execution of the project. Each partner, not belonging to the UE Member Countries, through its know-how and its geographical position in the Mediterranean area is able to guarantee a unique and irreplaceable support to the project itself, as widely discussed before. Each partner, as well, will follow the project and will participate to all its phases interacting with the others and with involved corporations.