Global programme: Erasmus +
Specific programme: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Sector Skills Alliance in vocational education and training
Call: 2017
Project number: 591854-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-SSA
Duration: 24 Months (1/1/2018 - 12/31/2019)
Project Manager: ITKAM - Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland e.V.
UNINETTUNO Scientific Leader: Maria Amata Garito
UNINETTUNO Project Manager: Elpidio Romano
Web-based Didactics
Click here to access the Web-based Didactics where you will find the modules realized in the framework of the "MEMEVET - Mechatronics and metallurgical VET for the sectors’ industries".
The curricula and programs of the modules are publicly available. In order to access the digitized videolessons and the educational materials already published in the Web-based Didactics of the project you will be requested to enter your credentials (username and password).
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The project will boost employability, developing a transnational curriculum focused on mobility and providing an innovative digital tool that will make easier the movement of students and workers. The design and development of the digital tool as well as putting the e-card into practice will show the commitment of the project partners and their important contribution in keeping up-to-date the mechatronics and metallurgical sectors along with the digital evolution toward the “forth industrial revolution”.
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsment of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The project will deliver a common curriculum for complementary educational skills requested by the labour market in the five countries.
The second most important output will be the development of an e-card for EU CV in which all complementary educational skills acquired in mechatronics and metallurgical sectors will be uploaded. The e-card is an outstanding new tool, as it will allow young people to easily obtain specific certificate required by industries in the target countries and enter faster into the EU labour market.
The project will boost employability, developing a transnational curriculum focused on mobility and providing an innovative digital tool that will make easier the movement of students and workers. The design and development of the digital tool as well as putting the e-card into practice will show the commitment of the project partners and their important contribution in keeping up-to-date the mechatronics and metallurgical sectors along with the digital evolution toward the “forth industrial revolution”.
Uninettuno will lead WP6 Definitive vocational EU CV in mechatronics and metallurgical sectors, including testing and evaluation of the training modules of the TC.