Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - [WEB-08-07-159-P]

ILPO55 - Plan détailé activités

Légende activité
Completa In corso

Da attuare

O1 - Evaluation Strategy and instrument
O2 - Website
O3 - Needs and Gaps Analysis
O4 - 1st Interim Evaluation Report
O5 - Courses curricula for ILPO55 Qualifications
O6 - ILPO55 Reference Framework
O7 - 2nd Interim Evaluation Report
O8 - European Report on the piloting of the ILPO55 Reference Framework and the IPLO55 Qualifications
O9 - Final Publication of project results
O10 - Exploitation and Sustainability Strategy
O11 - Final Evaluation Report